While watching the 1978 Pasadena Rose Parade on Television, Jack Gilbert, who was President of the Wilshire Rotary Club, in Los Angeles, California, and subsequently chairman of the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee, had an idea. Rotary would be celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 1980. Jack believed that by entering a float in the 1980 New Year’s Day Rose Parade, Rotary could communicate its message, “Service Above Self” to millions of people worldwide.
Jack shared his vision with other Rotarians, who supported the idea. Seven Governors in Southern California agreed to underwrite the cost of the float and make up any shortfall not covered by Club contributions. Fortunately, the Clubs contributed $35,000 which covered the full cost of the original float.
This first Tournament of Roses experience lead to the formation of the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee which now receives contributions each year from approximately 8 Rotary Districts and an additional 700 Individual Rotary Clubs to fund the float. The Committee has entered a float every year since 1980.
Articles About the Float in The Rotarian Magazine

2025 Float
As the Chair of the Rotary Rose Parade Float committee, I am honored to lead a dedicated group of volunteers, Rotarians, and community supporters in creating an awe-inspiring float that embodies Rotary’s core values.
The theme for the 2025 Tournament of Roses Parade is “Best Day Ever,” and our Rotary International theme is “Magic of Rotary – our Float Theme 2025 – On the Road with Rotary.”
We believe in the power of collective action and the strength inherent in our global network. Through this float, our aim is to showcase the transformative impact of Rotary’s service projects in communities, both locally and across borders. The Tournament of Roses Parade provides a prestigious platform to share our message of service above self with millions of viewers around the world, inspiring hope and igniting change.
We invite you to explore our website, www.rotaryfloat.org, where you will find a wealth of information about our float, its design, and the incredible individuals involved in bringing it to life. Discover the history of Rotary’s participation in the Parade, learn about the vital causes we support, and find out how you can get involved. Together, we can make a difference.
Whether you are a member of the Rotary family, a potential sponsor, a media representative, or simply an enthusiast of the Rose Parade and its cherished traditions, we thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. As the countdown to January 1, 2025, begins, we encourage you to stay connected with us through our website and follow us on social media for the latest updates and opportunities to participate.
We extend our deepest gratitude to all the incredible volunteers, sponsors, and supporters who make this ambitious project possible. Your dedication and generosity are truly the driving force behind our success.
On behalf of the entire Rotary Rose Parade Float committee, we look forward to sharing the beauty, inspiration, and impact of our float with the world in 2025.
Together, let us make some magic and make a difference in the world.
Yours In Rotary
Gene Hernandez – Chair, 2025 Float
As chair of the 2024 Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee, I am excited and honored to invite you to join us for the 135th Rose Parade! Since 1980, we have proudly presented a float each parade, bringing our message of “Service Above Self” and “People of Action” to over 40 million international viewers annually.
Work is underway now on a design that will honor one of Rotary’s areas of focus alongside the Rose Parade theme of “Celebrating A World of Music-the Universal Language.” In its 2024 theme statement, the Tournament of Roses further explained: “The 2024 theme celebrates the role of music in our lives and as part of our collective culture and unique stories.”
I invite you to be a part of this amazing experience. I served as Chair of this committee for the 2015 Rose Parade and am clearly committed to promote Rotary through this wonderful event and join numerous other nonprofits who participate each year. The Rose Parade is a wonderful event that draws people in from all walks of life and ages. We are going to highlight the youth in Rotary that will drive Rotary into the future. Without youth in Rotary we will become irrelevant in a few years, and no one wants that to happen.
Here are a few ways that you can participate and support this important effort:
- Help decorate the float. Work hand-in-hand with Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors as we cover every inch of the float with flowers and other natural materials. This takes place in a large float barn, where you’ll see many other floats also being built. Sign-ups to help decorate are usually posted the second Saturday in September at 8 a.m. Pacific Time. It will be announced here and on our Facebook page.
- Donate. The cost of the float is supported by Rotarians, a few Rotary districts, and numerous clubs and individuals. Click HERE to support this important effort.
We appreciate your time and generosity. Your support will help us continue this important and vital promotion of Rotary to the World!
In Rotary Service,
Daniel Thomas
Riders and Outwalkers
Service Club President’s Summit
Donations Received February 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022
District Contributions
Club Contributions
Individual Contributions
Donations Received February 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021
(The 2021 parade was cancelled)
District Contributions
Club Contributions
Individual Contributions
The Rotary Rose Parade float for 2023 was titled “Imagine Rotary” and was featured in the Tournament of Roses Parade on January 2, 2023. The float won the Princess Trophy for the most outstanding floral presentation among entries 35 feet and under in length
The float represented Rotary’s global efforts to improve communities and bring about positive change. The float showcased Rotary’s work in areas such as health, education, water and sanitation, economic development, and peacebuilding.
The float was designed by Phoenix Decorating Company, a company located in Irwindale, California. The float was decorated at Rose Float Plaza South, a 2.5-acre facility designed by Phoenix Decorating Company and the Tournament of Roses
People could sign up to help decorate the float. People could sponsor a walker for the float. People could ride or walk on the float
Raghada Khoury, Chair
The wise owl in regal, doctoral, academic robe with cap and PhD gold tassel was adorned with essential reading spectacles as the owl oversees the world as portrayed on a oversized red apple with yellow continents. His classic academic tools of pen and quill, ruler and multiple books were side-by-side with his ever-trusty smart phone available for instant access to the world wide web.
We also had 7 riders and 7 outwalkers. They wore graduation caps and gowns and possibly different colored graduation hoods depicting graduate degrees, or education PHD.
Our theme was Changing Lives Through Education. The Wise Owl is synonymous with education. One of Rotary’s global areas of focus is Basic Education and Literacy. This dovetailed with the Tournament’s theme including celebrating education. Education at the appropriate level for a given community will most certainly have a long lasting, far reaching impact on that community.
Owl’s Mortar Board-black seaweed and blue fine cut statice-Tassel of yellow fuzzy cut strawflower, Face of black seaweed, orange whole lentil seeds, yellow whole split peas, white powdered rice, Glasses of green ground parsley flakes. Beak of dark grey dark lettuce seed and black seaweed. Eyebrows of white pampas grass, dark beau mums, black hyacinth root, and dark grey buffalo grass. Face of white pampas grass, tan uva grass and black hyacinth root-Eye area-gold “win” and light rust mums, light tan/reddish light palm fiber, dark grey buffalo grass and dark beau mums. Sides and back of head-light beau and dark beau mums. Wings of brown palm fiber, reddish corn silk and white pampas grass, crème Erymanthus plumes, black hyacinth root, brown coffee. Collar-wine mums and trim of yellow mums-front design-Kermit green mums, blue fine cut statice, trim on edges of sleeves-yellow and gold mums. Apple, stem and leaves, -green tea leaves, red, dark and medium pink fuzzy cut strawflower and pale-yellow coconut. Large Books-pages of white fine ground rice, front book cover of dark blue fine cut statice, rear book cover of light blue fine cut statice. Book marker-yellow, Christmas red, Kermit green and dark lavender mums. End Tassels-raffia. Pencil-yellow fine cut strawflowers and ground parsley flakes-eraser of white powdered rice. Pen of green ground parsley flakes, shiny grey silverleaf. Cell phone-light grey light lettuce seed, black seaweed and dark grey dark lettuce seed, Apps-orange whole lentil seeds, white navy beans, red small kidney beans, red fine cut strawflower, green whole split peas, and white powdered rice. Rulers of yellow fine cut strawflower, black onion seed, inkwell of dark grey dark lettuce seed and designs of yellow whole split peas. Feather Pen-tan split palm, black buffalo grass and bottom of white pampas grass. Deck-green springeri-orange roses, orange carnations, white roses. Floral Arrangements-green leather ferns, white gerberas with green centers, white roses and green mood moss.
Bob Duistermars, Chair
Riders and Outwalkers
Service Club President’s Summit
Donations Received February 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022
District Contributions
Club Contributions
Individual Contributions
Donations Received February 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021
(The 2021 parade was cancelled)
District Contributions
Club Contributions
Individual Contributions
Due to COVID-19 the Tournament of Roses Parade was cancelled this year.
Randy Pote, Chair
Winner of the Tournament Volunteer Trophy
Most outstanding floral presentation of the Rose Parade Theme among floats 35 feet and under in length.

Photo by Yoli Bounds, edit Brett Morey
The theme of the float was “Hope Connects the World”. It showed how Rotary’s projects and its international membership bring hope, strength and service to the world. Through its relationship with organizations and non-Rotarians, they connect to make projects successful. This is exemplified by the Rotary connection with Optimist International. The President of Optimist International rode on the float with the Rotary International President. Hope springs from optimism and hope gives the willpower to press on in the face of adversity, with knowledge that when we work together, we have the power to succeed. The Penguin, adorned with a scarf displaying flags countries around the world, is embarking on a journey of -service, helped along by her flight crew. Together they showed how cooperation with organizations such as Optimists, increases the power of Rotary’s efforts—delivering Rotary’s message of Hope and showing how “Hope Connects the World.” Over 41,000 flowers cover Rotary’s 41st Rose Parade float.
Constructed by Phoenix Decorating Company
Wade Nomura, Chair
Riders and Outwalkers
Service Club President’ Summit
The theme of the float was “Service Rocks!”. This float marked the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee’s 40th consecutive float in the Rose Parade. A 21-foot tall crocodile plays a rock and roll beat as his number one fan, a swamp snake slithers and dances to his number one hit song. The curved jungle keyboard featured giant bamboo keys propped on a stylish rock garden, set in pools of floral water. Sir Elton John served as the crocodile’s inspiration with his over sized heart shaped glasses and classic keyboard “Service Rocks!” encompassed Rotary’s love for community service and celebrated the 2019 Rose Parade theme, “The Melody of Life”. A total of 24,400 flowers covered the float ranging from birds-of-paradise and dark blue iris, to red and white roses.
Constructed by the Phoenix Decorating Company
Walt Sevens, Chair
Riders and Outwalkers
Construction Photos
Service Club President’ Summit
- Major Sponsors
- District Donations
- Club Donations
- Individual Donations
Article about Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee Float in Rotary Down Under, the Rotary Magazine for Rotarians in Australia and New Zealand:
Down Under Magazine Article about Float
Winner of the Princesses’ Trophy
Most outstanding floral presentation among entries 35 feet and under in length
The theme of the float was “Planting the Seeds of Service” At a glance, the whimsical bunny gazing at the just planted peach tree appears to be in shape and form like any other float entry. However, if you look beyond the flowers, beyond the plant material, what you will find is the story of a child hungry for food, drinking bacteria infested water; the story of a mother fighting to take care of her family; the story of a family living in a region of conflict struggling to survive. If you look deeper you will begin to see the bunny as a symbol of the watchful gaze of Rotarians’, the tree as a symbol of life, growing the seeds of service provided by Rotarians’ world wide; and, bearing the fruit of Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus giving hope to all children, all mothers, and all families for a better world. To enhance this message a real sapling from one of Hiroshima’s A-Bomb survivor trees was on the float and later planted in one of Rotary’s Peace Gardens to help promote peace and a green legacy. The 2018 Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee Float is a story of responsibility to our planet, our children, and humanity.
Constructed by the Phoenix Decorating Company
Joe Ramos, Chair
Riders and Outwalkers
Construction Photos
Video of the Float in the Parade
Service Club President’ Summit
Winner of the Princesses’ Trophy
Most Beautiful Float 35 Feet and Under
The float theme was “Doing Good in the World”. The 2017 Float promoted and celebrated the 100 years of The Rotary Foundation. The Foundation empowers Rotarians to travel throughout the world and create and complete projects which serve people in need in six areas of focus which are: promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, and growing local economies. The spectacular and colorful dragon is clearly a world traveler carrying luggage decorated with the six symbols of the areas of focus. The Dragon also is proudly wearing a necklace with a medallion marked 100 for the 100 years of service.
Constructed by Phoenix Decorating
Larry Skaggs, Chair, District 5300
Riders and Outwalkers
Construction Photos
District and Club Contributors to the 2017 Float
Video of the Float in the Parade
Service Club President’ Summit
The float theme was “Working Together for Peace”. One of Rotary International’s main goals is attaining world peace and the float sought to remind viewers that the road to world peace is an adventure. Rotary is actively involved in helping create world peace through establishing more than 138 peace parks such as Waterton-Glacier National Peace Park which was established through a partnership between Canadian Waterton Lakes National Park and Glacier National Park. In addition small parks are important to peace efforts as more that 2000 graduates from the Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution have established small gardens through their service. Several of these peace ambassadors and Rotarians rode on the float to remind viewers that world peace is a never-ending adventure.
Constructed by Phoenix Decorating
Walt Stephens, Chair, District 5240
Service Club President’s Summit
The float theme was “Changing Lives Through Clean Water”. It told the world about Rotary’s successful projects to provide clean water throughout the world. It featured a water well with candles lighting the way to clean water. More than 2.5 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation facilities. Rotarians work daily on significant and life-changing projects from supplying water filters to families living near the polluted Rimac River in Lima, Peru, to drilling boreholes and installing hand pumps on wells in Ghana, and building water towers to provide clean water for orphanages in Myanmar. Rotarians provide water and sanitation to needy populations worldwide. Every project is a spark that will inspire others to provide another spark that will “Light Up Rotary”, President Gary Huang’s theme for 2015-2015
Constructed by Phoenix Decorating.
Daniel Thomas, Chair, District 5300
The float theme was “Engage Rotary, Change Lives”, and featured a candy cane crossing leading onto a bridge of candy cane railroat tracks. Atop of those tracks was the float’s delicious centerpiece: a larger-than-life train made of sweets.
Rotary Club volunteers were the “Float Participants” on our 2014 float – some rode the whimsical candy train and several more walked alongside the float. The riders included Ron D. Burton, Rotary International President and Jetta, Deborah Sabin, the oldest daughter of Sylvia Tregillus Sabin and Albert Sabin, M.D. developer of the Oral Polio Vaccine and Peter L. Salk, MD, the oldest son of Jonas Salk who, together with his team at the University of Pittsburgh, developed the first successful polio vaccine, which was introduced in 1955.
Constructed by Phoenix Decorating Company.
Wade Nomura, PDG, Chair, District 5240
The float theme was “All the Places We Go”, and featured a central world globe representing the community and global service contributed by Rotary’s international network of 1.2 million volunteers. As the globe spun and gears turned, lotus and cherry blossoms and giant origami “peace cranes” informed the millions of parade viewers around the world of Rotary’s commitment to peace.
Float riders were chosen as recognition of their outstanding humanitarian service. This year’s participants include Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka; Rotary member Paul Geisel from Texas, whose late grand uncle Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) authored Oh, the Places You’ll Go, which is the basis for this year’s overall parade theme; and retiring Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley.
Constructed by Phoenix Decorating Company
John H. Brainerd, PDG, Chair, District 5320
The theme of the float was “Inching Towards the End of Polio” and it was the Winner of the Princess’ Trophy for the most beautiful float under 35 feet
Rotary International’s 33rd consecutive entry in the Tournament of Roses Parade, “Inching Towards The End of Polio,” celebrated the work of Rotarians worldwide as they strive to eradicate the paralyzing and deadly disease. The 22 foot tall Inchworm featured a MD’s head mirror, stethoscope and medical journal emblazoned with the caduceus. The 35-foot long “inchworm” was nestled in a field of flowers with eight riders from Rotary balanced among the dueling purple butterflies.
Multiple floral arrangements featured white moraras, white, red and hot pink tulips, yellow billy buttons, yellow daffodils and white roses. Deck floral highlights included use of pink, hot pink, light lavender, dark lavender, red, yellow roses and gerberas. The bottom edge of the float was trimmed with white catts, roses, carnations and gypsophilia.
Constructed by Phoenix Decorating Company.
Gene Hernandez, PDG, Chair, Chino RC, District 5300
Theme: “Building Communities, Bridging Continents”. This was also the 2010-2011 Rotary International theme and went hand in hand with the parade theme “Building Dreams, Friendships and Memories”. The float featured an octet of bears each distinctly dressed representing different geographic areas where Rotary is active. The United States, England, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Korea, India and Africa.. A multitude of natural materials were used to create the various fur textures . Various colors of chrysanthemum, palm fibers, grasses, barks, beans and much more.
The float was built by the Phoenix Decorating Company and decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Charlie Barr, PDG, Chair, Upland RC, District 5300
Float Video
Theme: “Service Above the Rest”. Winner of the Tournament Volunteers’ Trophy for best floral design of theme 35 feet or under
The float included an oversized fuzzy teddy bear dressed in a doctor’s white coat and wearing a reflector and a stethoscope to remind the world of Rotary’s commitment to eradicating polio worldwide. the bear also held a bouquet of roses to represent the Rotary’s commitment to service and care since its founding in 1905. The teddy bear was created with corn silk, palm fiber and cordom puffs, with facial highlights of everlasting powdered ride, farina and nori seaweed. The doctor’s lab coat was made of finely ground white rice with coconut lapels and the stethoscope was constructed with silverleaf, everlasting and poppy seed.
The float was built by the Phoenix Decorating Company and decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Bill Peloquin, PDG, Chair, District 5320
Float Rider Pictures and Biographies
Videos of the Float in the Parade
The theme was “Make Dreams Real”
The theme was based on RI President D. K. Lee dream and deep desire to provide all the world’s children with clean water, health care, education and happy and peaceful lives. The float design was based on Shakespeare’s romantic comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, one of his most beloved and entertaining plays. The float depicted a beautiful garden setting with three exquisitely decorated fairies. Seven women representing the Southern California and Nevada district of Rotary International rode on the float in celebration of the year 2009, which marked the 20th anniversary of women involved in Rotary in the United States.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Maureen McKinley, Chair, District 5300
The theme was “Sharing World Literacy Day”.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Ray Bushnell, Chair, Arcadia RC, District 5300
The theme was “Lead the Way” and the float presented a 16 foot mother duck leading her four young ducklings through a garden. Thousands of roses, carnations, iris, gerbera daises and gladiolas were used on the float. Riders on the float were selected from Rotary Exchange Students visiting the United States.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Ernie Jensen, PDG, Chair, Arcadia Rotary Club, District 5300
Float Rider Pictures and Biographies
The theme was “The Magic of Caring”. The float presented a garden setting with mom and pop bear playing doctor and nurse to their baby bear. Naturally colored cotton was used to create the fur on this loving family of bears. Oversized flowers and toy tops, decorated with orange lentils, raspberry seed, split pea, statice and yellow strawflower, surrounded the bears in the garden. A large arbor, whose criss-cross appearance was created using a pattern of corn husks, completes the garden setting.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Jim Miceli, Chair, Universal City Sunrise RC, District 5260
Construction Pictures
Float Rider Pictures and Biographies
The theme, “Family Tree – A Century of Service”, and design were selected to recognize the service of the Rotary family throughout the world during the past 100 years as Rotary International celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2005 and begins its second century of service to the world community. The 2005 Tournament of Roses Parade theme was Celebrate Family.
The float presented a large tree amidst an active park setting, representing Rotary’s extensive family tree. Bird houses and large butterflies ornament the tree, which was surrounded by a lush garden featuring two dogs at play. The setting was created using real grass sod, roses, carnations, mums, lilies and orchids, with Yellow Oncidium orchids in the tree. Orange fluff, which comes from the seed pod of the Bird of Paradise, comprised the orange fir on the wings of the monarch butterflies.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
John Peck, Chair, Pasadena RC, District 5300
The float won the Princess’ Trophy the for the “Most Beautiful Float Under 35 Feet”.
The “Symphony of Service” theme depicted a garden stage where a string quintet of bears and rabbits are playing a concert. The float used nearly 15,000 roses and thousands of other floral materials including carnations, iris, gerbera daises, strawflower, statice, crushed walnut shell, coconut, cranberry seed, onion seed sesame and sweet rive. Gladiolas and orchids created the look of the water fountain and ornamental cabbage made up the floral ruffle encircling the deck of the float.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Cliff Nelson, Chair, District 5320
The theme of the float was “The Sky’s the Limit”. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of flight, the Rotary float depicted the sandy beach where the Wright Brothers took their first flight. At the rear of the float was a group of buildings that are similar to the working areas of the bothers. Sesame seed was used to achieve the fabric covering of the wings of the plane. The deck was plush with grasses, roses, iris, carnations, and gebera daises-used to achieve the look of the sand dunes and groupings of growth along the shoreline. Orville Wright was a Rotarian in Dayton, Ohio.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Carol Wylie, PDG, Chair, Dominguez-Carson RC, District 5280
The 2002 float theme was “Around the World Through Education”. It was a magical journey that started on a 17-foot-tall turtle crafted from hundreds of pounds of split pea, lentil seeds, green tomatoes, strawflowers, statice and citrus fruit. The decking of the float was vibrantly adorned using thousands of roses, carnations, lilies, iris and gerbera daisies with small and medium sculpted flowers creating the flowering branches on the deck.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
John Alexander, Chair, North San Fernando Valley RC, District 5260
The 2001 float won the Volunteers Trophy for the “best floral design of Parade theme under 35 feet in length.”
Mark Twain’s story of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn is instantly recognizable by millions of people around the world. They were the recognizable element of the theme for the 2001 float, “Recognizing Tomorrow’s Leaders”.
If there had been a Rotary club in Hannibal, Missouri when Tom and Huck were having their adventures, those Rotarians would have been interested in these two young men. This float celebrated the many young people Rotary has channeled into roles of positive leadership through the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program.
There were ten young people who have participated in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program, riding on the float. What a memorable experience for a RYLA student to participate in the RYLA leadership seminar, and ride a float in the Rose Parade.
All of this to get the message across that Rotary not only recognizes tomorrows leaders, but also develops their leadership skills and principles. Our Rotary float created awareness in the world regarding RYLA, one of the most effective programs in the world of Rotary.
Raul Rodriguez designed the float which was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Steve Garrett, PDG, Chair, Arcadia RC, District 5300
Construction Pictures
Pictures and Biographies of Float Riders
The float won the Isabella Coleman Award for “Best presentation of color and color harmony through floral use.”
“Readers are Winners” recognized Rotary’s emphasis on the need for functional literacy since 1985. UNESCO has estimated that more than a fourth of the people in the world are illiterate and unable to read or write well enough to adequately support themselves. Rotary clubs are engaged in tutoring programs, work place literacy programs, public awareness campaigns, book drives, funding of adult literacy classes, and in improving primary education.
Renowned designer Raul Rodriguez used the fable of the tortoise and the hare to depict the studious tortoise winning the race with his basket of books while the laid back rabbit was listening to his walkman.
The thirty five foot float was constructed by Charisma Floats and was decorated by hundreds of volunteers from Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.
Conrad Von Bibra, PDG, Chair, South Pasadena RC, District 5300

Herb Trumpoldt, PDG, Chair, Placentia RC, District 5320

This year’s float celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the Ambassadorial Scholar program, the oldest and best-known program of the Rotary International Foundation. It is also the largest privately funded international scholarship program. The scholarship program distinguishes itself from others by its unique ambassadorial purpose, which is possible only through the personal involvement of Rotarians worldwide.
Program objectives include sending ambassadors of goodwill to improve international understanding; instilling a high degree of international understanding in all scholars within the context of the high ideals which Rotary embodies; imparting needed skills to scholars, especially those from developing countries; and educating scholars from developed countries in the unique problems and challenges faced by developing
countries. With attention to these objectives, which help set Foundation Scholarships apart from other, Rotarians succeed in creating “ambassadors of goodwill” to help further the mission of The Rotary Foundation.
The float was truly a marriage of the 1998 Rose Parade Theme of “Hav’n Fun” with the 1997-98 Rotary International Theme of Show Rotary Cares.
The float was constructed by Charisma Floats.
Jerry Tambe, PDG, Chair, District 5300
The float titled “Caring for the World’s Children” provided an opportunity to reveal the shining achievements of the PolioPlus campaign. The float featured three medical officers on three different continents, each surrounded by children who have been immunized against polio and other childhood diseases. Colorful flowers, animals, vegetation and monuments depicted the different cultures were immunization efforts have been carried out.
The float was constructed by Charisma Floats.
John Mckinley, PDG, Chair, La Canada Flintridge RC, District 5260

The float was constructed by Charisma Floats.
Sam Greene (deceased), PRID, Chair

Winner of the Fantasy Trophy
The float was constructed by Charisma Floats
Bill Plunket, Chair

The float was constructed by Charisma Floats
Gene Moscaret, Chair
Float Theme: “Performing for a Better World”
The float was constructed by Bent
Austin Weston, Chair
Rotary’s float, titled “Time for Learning”, with its sculptured floral cuckoo clock, baby birds in their nest, and youthful students. all symbolized the birth of learning and discovery.
In a riot of lavish floral display, the verdant garden scene exploded in a bust of color cascades of exotic blooms from all over the world, with 40,000 roses.
The float was constructed by Fiesta Parade Floats.
John Fee, Chair
Float Theme: :Ropin’ ‘N’ Rompin'”
The float was constructed by Fiesta Parade Floats
William Bowermaster, Chair
Float theme: “The Peaceable Kingdom”
The float was constructed by Fiesta Parade Floats
Myron Stolp, Chair
“Making Childhood Dreams Come True” was a cause for celebration. the spectacular 24-foot storyteller and his magically live marionettes captured the hearts of children of all ages. The float told the world what Rotary does to make the dreams of peace, common to all children, closer to reality.
The float was constructed by Fiesta Parade Floats.
Bill Goodwin, Jr., Chair
The float theme was “Look Whoo’s Talking” and it won the Princess Trophy
The float was constructed by Fiesta Floats.
Ken Hemming, Chair

The float was constructed by the American Decorating Company

The float was constructed by the American Decorating Company

The float was constructed by the Jubilee Parade Float Company.

The float was constructed by Festival Arts.

Bridges of peace, understanding, join the continents of the world. The final bridge supported by the Rotary emblem saluted the dedicated service of members throughout the world. Nations’ flags encircled hemispheres on a ribbon of Yellow Town Crier Roses. Floral sculptured couples join hands in friendship.
The float was constructed by Bent

A poignant celebration of the United Nations’ International Year of the Handicapped, “Trails to Happiness” represents the humanitarian actions of Rotary International. Practicing its motto, “Service Above Self”, the organization-as depicted on the float-takes time to serve the blind, the handicapped and the disadvantaged by providing nature trails and a variety of other outdoor experiences for boys and girls throughout the world. At the front, a Rotarian helps a little boy in a wheelchair, while up ahead a small girl on crutches watches. At the rear, another Rotarian holds up a fish that a blind child has caught. The entry consists of roses, pompon mums, calendulas, orchids, iris, carnations and marigolds.
The float was constructed by Floatmasters.

“Anyone who makes it the age 75 deserves at least a few flowers on his or her birthday.” This year Rotary got roses, thousands of them.
The rainbow colored float carried a revolving globe covered with white carnation petals, surrounded by a bouquet of Dutch Iris and silverleaf. A musical staff with notes bordered the sides of the float, leading to the Rotary emblem, colored with swarms of pompoms and cornflowers. The float’s base was blanketed with 8,000 red roses.
The float was valued at over $40,000, but a price tag couldn’t be placed on the favorable publicity attracted to Rotary International. The 1980 float was funded by Rotary Clubs in the Western United States.
The float was constructed by Floatmasters.

The float was constructed by Bent.

Courtesy of the Tournament of Roses Archives
Float theme: “Service Above Self”
Tournament of Roses theme: “Victory, Unity and Peace”

Courtesy of the Tournament of Roses Archives
The theme of the Tournament of Roses was “The Americas” and the Rotary float was in Division V. Because of the outbreak of World War II, the parade was not held that year. The picture is a list of parade entries published by the Tournament of Roses in 1942.

Courtesy of the Tournament of Roses Archives

Courtesy of the Tournament of Roses Archives
The theme of the Tournament of Roses was “Songs in Flowers” and the Rotary float was in Division IV, Class B.

Courtesy of the Tournament of Roses Archives
The 1923 Rotary Rose Parade Float was entered by the Rotary Club of Pasadena
From the Rose Bowl Statium History website:
1922 — Construction of the horseshoe-shaped stadium is completed with a seating capacity of 57,000. The stadium was designed by Myron Hunt, with the Yale Bowl’s shape and size playing a major role in the construction of the new stadium. The stadium cost $272,198 which is the equivalent of nearly $3.4 million, in 2010 dollars.
1923 — The stadium is named “The Rose Bowl” and is dedicated, hosting its first college football game. Start of play was delayed more than an hour after Penn State’s team was stuck in traffic. USC defeats Penn State, 14-2. This original stadium seated 57,000.

Courtesy of the Tournament of Roses Archives