2022 Float Ambassadors
The Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee Inc. presented “Changing the World Through Education” as the theme of our January 1, 2022, float. This year we created a new way for individuals (limited to 100) to support the Float promoting Rotary International and one of its areas of focus – Education and Literacy.
Any Rotarian in good standing contributing $500 or more, can become a Float Ambassador at his or her request. They must pledge to advocate for support (monetary/volunteer) for the 2022 Float at their Rotary Club, District, Zone and any RI events they attend. If support materials needed they will be supplied upon timely request.
In exchange for their donation, they received:
- A personalized RRPFC jacket
- A patch of the 2022 Float
- The annual theme pin for the 2022 Float
- An official RRPFC hat in blue or yellow
- A drawing ticket to be a rider on the 2022 Float which is exclusive to Ambassadors only.
District 7430 – South Eastern Region of Pennsylvania, USA
Rotary Club of Perkasie PA
Dr. Amy Roslevege has been a National Advisor for the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee since 2020 and is currently a member of the Perkasie Rotary — her club is also a major donor to the RRPFC. Amy lives northeast of Philadelphia in Bucks County Pennsylvania, Prior to joining Perkasie she was a member for several years of the Rotary Eclub of Southwest USA the E-Club, Amy has also served for multiple years on the Board for the Hatboro Rotary with most of her time spent in the area of Youth Services with RYLA, yearly scholarship interview and selection, holiday gifting to families in need. She has also served for many years on her local YMCA board of directors. Throughout her 20 year career in education, Amy has served children and families as a teacher and building administrator. Amy is passionate about serving Rotary thru Education; Promoting Rotary to the World; and, supporting the Rotary Foundation EREY, PolioPlus, and is a multiple time Paul Harris Fellow.
When Amy is not volunteering with Rotary she enjoys investing time and making memories with her nieces and nephew, spending time with her Yorkie Nittany, golfing and volunteering at her church.
District 5340 – San Diego and Imperial Counties
El Centro Rotary Club
Kris has been a Court Commissioner for the Imperial County Superior Court since 2016. Attorney in Imperial County since 1994. Proud wife of Michael and proud mother of Grant (17) and Kyle (16). Past President of El Centro Rotary Club 2017-2018. UCLA graduate ???? 1989, and thrilled to have the opportunity to work on the Rotary float for the Rose Parade!
Past District Governor
District 5950, Central and Western Minnesota
Rotary Club of Edina, Morningside, MN, USA
Tom Gump is passionate about growing Rotary Membership through forming new and innovative Rotary, Rotaract and satellite clubs. He founded, among other clubs, the first ever Rotary Club to serve veterans and co-founded the world’s first Rotary club to end human trafficking. He helped form the Rotary Club of Network for Empowering Women and The Kaleidoscope Rotaract Club, to serve those with Autism and their families. He also helped form the Rotaract eClub for the Environment – the first ever cause-based, international, Rotaract eClub focusing on the environment. Tom is now helping form The Rotary Club of Minnesota Pride.
Tom was one of only 20 North American Rotary leaders selected by Rotary International Past President Mark Maloney and Rotary International Membership Staff to participate in a New Club Development Summit and was subsequently named as a Zone 29 Innovative Club Advocate. Tom is also one of only 500 Rotarians in the world to be named to The Membership Society for New Member Sponsors for bringing in more than 50 active members into his club, which puts him at the Gold Level of the Society.
Tom now inspires others around the world and helps them form their own new and innovative Rotary clubs. He speaks regularly on the topic of membership at Rotary club, district, multi-district and zone events and as a breakout panelist at Rotary International Virtual Conventions. He is on the PETS Alliance’s list of “Popular Speakers” and will be speaking at the 2022 International Assembly.

Tom and Catherine Gump
The North American Rotary magazine and other Rotary regional magazines have written about Tom and the new and innovative clubs he has formed and his membership techniques and published articles by him. Tom’s tips for attracting and retaining members and some of the clubs he has started have also been featured as part of cover stories.
Tom was the winner of this year’s “Zones 28 and 32 Individual Membership Innovation Award (2020-2021),” for promoting new cause-based clubs throughout North America.
Tom’s current favorite educational project is participating with The Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans, a club he formed, on its regular “Book Campaign to Enhance Literacy.” This month’s book drive netted 630 books, including over 250 books for children, over 100 books for teens and nearly 300 books for adults! Donations went to three local nonprofits (“Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People,” “Haven for Heroes” and “Every Third Saturday”) assisting veterans and low income individuals and families in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
District 5300 – Southern California-Southern Nevada
Past District Governor
Las Vegas WON Rotary Club
Randy was born and raised in Denver, Colorado and started in Rotary in 1988. He had a brief stay with the Englewood Club before moving to Las Vegas with his first wife, Mary.
He joined the North Las Vegas club and served as President 1993-94. He and Mary owned a fundraising company, working primarily schools, churches and youth sports. They moved back to Denver to help his family deal with his mother’s Alzheimer’s. He joined the Centennial, CO and served as President 2010-11. He moved back to Las Vegas in 2011 after Mary lost her 12-year fight with cancer.
He re-joined the North Las Vegas club and was involved with many District 5300 projects and programs. In 2012 he met his wife Beth while decorating the Rotary float. They were married at a Zone Rotary event in 2015 in Hawaii.
Randy was chosen to be District 5300 Governor to serve 2015-16. He has served on the President ‘s Elect Training committee and the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee for multiple years.
He likes to say, “I joined Rotary when I was 31 and my only regret is I didn’t join earlier!!”
District Governor Elect
District 5950 Central and Western Minnesota
Glenwood Minnesota Rotary Club
Service Above Self was Lloyd’s motto long before joining the Rotary Club of Glenwood, Minnesota, on July 19, 2012. Lloyd grew up on a small farm in Edmondson, Arkansas. After graduating from high school and moving away, Lloyd received his BS from Oklahoma State University and an MBA from The University of Chicago in Marketing and Finance. Lloyd worked for Janssen Pharmaceutical, a Division of Johnson & Johnson, and later a small consulting firm. After joining Rotary in Glenwood, Lloyd took an active role in developing its website and bulletin, served as International Committee chair, re-established the Youth Exchange Program, and eventually became Club President. Lloyd received Service Above Self Award two times, the Rotarian of the Year award, and the Outstanding Volunteer Award from the Glenwood Chamber of Commerce. On the District level, Lloyd served as a Member of the International Grant Committee, the District Grants committee, a facilitator for NCPETS, District Membership Chair. On the Regional level, Lloyd served as a charter member of Project Phoenix 223. Lloyd is married to Dr. Rwanda Campbell, and they have two sons. Dr. Campbell is a member of the Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans Club, Lloyd III is a member of the Passport Club, and Gent is a member of the Kaleidoscope Rotaract Club.
Arredondo, Luanne
Becker, Kris
Buffington, Rod
Campbell, Lloyd
Cardenas, Dave
DeLuca, Mike
Ellis, Diane
Ellis, Patricia
Esbin, Lou
Glisson, Deborah
Gomez, Glenn
Grogan, Beverly
Grubb, Eric
Gump, Tom
Hernandez, Gene
Holve, Tama
Jones, Brenda
Jones, Greg
King , Ian
Morgan, Ken
Nash, James
Nomura, Wade
Patterson, Olivia
Perry, Dwight
Petty, Bill
Phillips, Leo
Phillips, Patricia
Pote, Randy
Rosenberg, Marti
Roslevege, Amy
Roy Cote, Marie
Ryans, Robert
Skaggs, Larry
Stephens, Walt
Sullivan, Ean
Vergari, Cozette
Wallach, Lindsey
Wilson, Desiree